Author: Cindy Ling
Edition: 1
Publisher: Skidmore-Roth Pub.
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1569300801
Case Management Handbook
Outline guide to case management. Medical books Case Management Handbook. Written for students or those new to case management. Emphasizes basic principles of practice. Covers skills, processes, different practice settings and populations, legal, ethical and quality issues, and resources. Looseleaf pages in a three-ring binder Medical books The Case Manager's Handbook. Categories: Case Management, Hospitals->Case management services->Handbooks, manuals, etc.. Contributors: Catherine M. Mullahy - Author. Format: Paperback

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Categories: Case Management, Hospitals->Case management services->Handbooks, manuals, etc.. Contributors: Catherine M. Mullahy - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Case Management, Hospitals->Case management services->Handbooks, manuals, etc.. Contributors: Catherine M. Mullahy - Author. Format: Paperback
Categories: Case Management, Hospitals->Case management services->Handbooks, manuals, etc.. Contributors: Catherine Mullahy - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Case Management, Hospitals->Case management services->Handbooks, manuals, etc.. Contributors: Catherine Mullahy - Author. Format: Hardcover
Medical Book Case Management Handbook
Written for students or those new to case management. Emphasizes basic principles of practice. Covers skills, processes, different practice settings and populations, legal, ethical and quality issues, and resources. Looseleaf pages in a three-ring binder.