Author: Amy M. Karch
Edition: 1
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0781791847
Focus on Nursing Pharmacology & Pathophysiology
Medical books Focus on Nursing Pharmacology & Pathophysiology. Medical books Pharmacology for Nurses: A Pathophysiological Approach. Prentice Hall Nursing MediaLink DVD-ROM. Packaged with every copy of the textbook, this dynamic DVD-ROM includes: - "Audio Glossary" with pronunciations and definitions of every key term in the textbook - "Drug Prototype Audio Pronunciations" - "Drug Dosage Calculator" - "Nursing in Action" video case studies for medication administration - "NCLEX(R) Review" questions that emphasize the application of care and client education related to drug administration - "Mechanism of Action" drug animation tutorials for prototype drugs, showing how drug action occurs at the tissue, organ, and system levels. The following animations build upon the drug action discussions from the Prototype Drug boxes in the textbook: "CD-ROM versions of this resource can be purchased at " Companion Website. Serving as an online review to your textbook, this Companion Website includes: - Additional "NCLEX(R) Review" questions with comprehensive rationales - Pharmacology review activities that test your understanding of the drugs from each chapter, including "Classification Reviews, Drug Reviews, Case Studies, "and" Care Plans" - "Dosage Calculation" exercises - "Nursing Process Focus" charts for drug prototypes - "Preventing Medication Errors" review and activities - "Student Success" module with advice and activities to help you be a successful nursing student - "And much more""" " " Student Workbook. Your workbook contains a large number and variety of practice questions and learning activities, including fill-ins, matching, multiple choice, case studies, and dosage calculations. MediaLinks refer you to the "Prentice Hall Nursing MediaLink DVD-ROM" and "Companion Website" for additional review and application. Instructor's Resource Manual. Designed to help faculty plan and manage the pharmacology course, this manual includes: - Detailed lecture notes with correlations to PowerPoint slides organized by learning objectives - Suggestions for classroom and clinical activities - Comprehensive test questions with rationales and mapped to learning objectives - Assignments using the "Companion Website" and the "Prentice Hall Nursing MediaLink DVD-ROM" that accompany the textbook - A chapter-specific Resource Library identifying images and media resources on the Instructor's Resource DVD-ROM. It also includes an "Instructor's" "Strategies for Success" module for faculty that explains Learning Theories, Planning for Instruction, How to Use Effective Pedagogies, Assessing Learning, and more! Instructor's Resource DVD-ROM. This DVD-ROM includes all the textbook resources instructors need to teach pharmacology courses: - "Comprehensive PowerPoint Presentation" that integrates lecture slides, images, animations, videos, and other resources - "Classroom Response questions" set in PowerPoint slides (ask your Prentice Hall representative for more information about hardware to enhance your presentation) - "First Day of Class" presentation to show your students how to use this textbook - Complete "Image Gallery" in PowerPoint - Additional "Media Resources" to enhance your classroom presentations - "TestGen with questions in all NCLEX(R) formats," including questions mapped to the chapter learning objectives - Link to the "Prentice Hall Instructors Resource Center" for additional resources "(internet connection required)" "Alternate CD-ROM versions of this resource are also available." OneKey Online Course Management. Prentice Hall OneKey is an integrated online resource that brings a variety of resources together in one convenient place for faculty and students using Blackboard, WebCt, and CourseCompass platforms and provides you with the following: For Students For Instructors "NCLEX-RN(R) Review questions Test Item Files" "Case Studies PowerPoint Presentations" "Care Plan Activities Media Gallery Resources" "MediaLinks Discussion Board" "Email Communication Class Announcements"

Download link for Pharmacology for Nurses A Pathophysiologic Approach
Prentice Hall Nursing MediaLink DVD-ROM. Packaged with every copy of the textbook, this dynamic DVD-ROM includes: - "Audio Glossary" with pronunciations and definitions of every key term in the textbook - "Drug Prototype Audio Pronunciations" - "Drug Dosage Calculator" - "Nursing in Action" video case studies for medication administration - "NCLEX(R) Review" questions that emphasize the application of care and client education related to drug administration - "Mechanism of Action" drug animation tutorials for prototype drugs, showing how drug action occurs at the tissue, organ, and system leve
This up-to-date text helps nursing students master pharmacology by tightly linking it to therapeutic goals and patient wellness. Organized by body systems (units) and diseases (chapters), PHARMACOLOGY FOR NURSES: A PATHOPHYSIOLOGIC APPROACH, 4/e provides complete information on the drug classifications used to treat each disease class. Students can easily locate all relevant anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology in the same chapter where each drug is discussed. Exclusive Nursing Process Focus features clearly and concisely relates pharmacotherapy to patient assessment, nursing diagn
Basic Pharmacology for Nurses is a modern classic nursing pharmacology textbook known for its impeccably accurate drug content and its practical applications of the nursing process. A consistent emphasis on health promotion through monitoring and patient education is a hallmark of the book. Introductory units ground the reader in basic principles of pharmacology and medication administration. Subsequent body-system units apply the nursing process to every major disorder, and appropriate nursing implications are discussed for every drug class to promote safe medication administration.Provides a
This text presents a totally nursing-focused framework for teaching and learning nursing pharmacology, and "places the patient" at the center of all drug and drug administration decisions and considerations. The book presents core drug knowledge using prototypes of different drug classes and emphasizes core patient variables that influence the patient's response to therapy. Features include abundant review questions, concept maps, drug summary tables, drug interaction tables, and critical thinking scenarios that teach students how to apply pharmacology knowledge to patient care. This thoroughl
Medical Book Focus on Nursing Pharmacology & Pathophysiology