Author: Ruth Tappen
Edition: 4
Publisher: F.A. Davis Company
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0803606095
Nursing Leadership and Management: Concepts and Practice
This new edition has expanded coverage of changes in the health care delivery system, including nursing care. Medical books Nursing Leadership and Management. There is also new content on career development, ethics, cultural diversity and management information on issues including latex allergy, violence and hospital infections. The influence of changes in the demographics in the workplace on management is discussed: topics include cultural diversity, changes in families and gender in communication. There is a case study for each chapter, illustrating a real-life situation and intended to stimulate critical thinking. There are also three new features: "Test Yourself", which appears at the beginning of each chapter and allows the reader to assess and identify how much information he or she has about the topic from personal life experience; "Consider This", which appears throughout the text, presenting alternative and possibly controversial items by illustrating what has happened to a particular person or organization by using the principles described; and "Notes and Quotes", which highlight helpful hints, interesting facts and notable quotes Medical books Nursing Leadership and Management Online for Leading and Managing in N. This innovative online course offers a fun and engaging way to master the content found in Yoder-Wise: Leading and Managing in Nursing, 4th Edition. It consists of 27 interactive learning modules that feature a wealth of interactive learning activities and exercises, case studies, audio and video clips, critical thinking questions, and much more! Its a great way to learn more about key concepts in leadership and management, including delegation, strategic planning, staffing and scheduling, conflict resolution, team building, and managing change. Twenty-seven interactive, consistently organized modules include an overview, questions to consider, objectives, reading assignments, learning activities, and case studies. Questions to Consider, posed at the beginning of each module, provide guidance for users on where to focus their thoughts and attention as they progress through the module. Case studies allow users to use critical thinking or analytical skills to assess the best course of action. Audio and video clips show how to model a behavior or approach a situation, allowing users to hear and/or see how a behavior is correctly demonstrated verbally and/or non-verbally. Interactive learning activities allow users to apply knowledge in context. Key terms are hyperlinked to a popup screen that displays the meaning or definition. Web links throughout the online course allow users to access additional content for further study.

Download link for Essentials of Nursing Leadership and Management, 5th Edition
This innovative online course offers a fun and engaging way to master the content found in Yoder-Wise: Leading and Managing in Nursing, 4th Edition. It consists of 27 interactive learning modules that feature a wealth of interactive learning activities and exercises, case studies, audio and video clips, critical thinking questions, and much more! Its a great way to learn more about key concepts in leadership and management, including delegation, strategic planning, staffing and scheduling, conflict resolution, team building, and managing change. Twenty-seven interactive, consistently organized
Title: Nursing Leadership & Management Online for Yoder-Wise Leading and Managing in Nursing (User Guide, Access Code, and Textbook Package), Ed. 5Author/Editor: Yoder-Wise, PatriciaPublisher: Elsevier HealthImprint: MosbyBinding: Online CourseISBN: 978-0-323-07923-5Copyright: 2011Description:This money-saving package includes Leadership and Management Online (User Guide & Access Code) and the 5th edition of Leading and Managing in Nursing textbook.Author:Patricia S. Yoder-Wise, RN, EdD, NEA-BC, ANEF, FAAN, Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, Lubbock, TX
[ Ships Daily ] Condition: Good[ Underlining/Highlighting: NONE ] [ Writing: SOME ] Nursing Leadership and Management By ATI Nursing Education ISBN: 1933107790 Edition:Fifth Name written in the front of the book Publisher: ATI Nursing Education Pub Date: 1/1/2010 Binding: Paperback Pages: 125
Nursing Leadership and Management: Theories, Processes and Practice [With CDROM]
Medical Book Nursing Leadership and Management
There is also new content on career development, ethics, cultural diversity and management information on issues including latex allergy, violence and hospital infections. The influence of changes in the demographics in the workplace on management is discussed: topics include cultural diversity, changes in families and gender in communication. There is a case study for each chapter, illustrating a real-life situation and intended to stimulate critical thinking. There are also three new features: "Test Yourself", which appears at the beginning of each chapter and allows the reader to assess and identify how much information he or she has about the topic from personal life experience; "Consider This", which appears throughout the text, presenting alternative and possibly controversial items by illustrating what has happened to a particular person or organization by using the principles described; and "Notes and Quotes", which highlight helpful hints, interesting facts and notable quotes.