Author: Eugene Edgington
Edition: 4
Publisher: Chapman and Hall/CRC
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1584885890
Randomization Tests, Fourth Edition (Statistics: A Series of Textbooks and Monographs)
The number of innovative applications of randomization tests in various fields and recent developments in experimental design, significance testing, computing facilities, and randomization test algorithms have necessitated a new edition of Randomization Tests. Medical books Randomization Tests, Fourth Edition (Statistics.
Updated, reorganized, and revised, the text emphasizes the irrelevance and implausibility of the random sampling assumption for the typical experiment in three completely rewritten chapters. It also discusses factorial designs and interactions and combines repeated-measures and randomized block designs in one chapter. The authors focus more attention on the practicality of N-of-1 randomization tests and the availability of user-friendly software to perform them. In addition, they provide an overview of free and commercial computer programs for all of the tests presented in the book Medical books Randomization Tests Fourth Edition Statistics: A Series Of Textbooks And Monographs. Chapman and Hall/CRC. Hardcover. New. Buy with confidence. Excellent Customer Service & Return policy. Ships Fast. Expedite Shipping Available.
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Medical Book Randomization Tests, Fourth Edition (Statistics
Updated, reorganized, and revised, the text emphasizes the irrelevance and implausibility of the random sampling assumption for the typical experiment in three completely rewritten chapters. It also discusses factorial designs and interactions and combines repeated-measures and randomized block designs in one chapter. The authors focus more attention on the practicality of N-of-1 randomization tests and the availability of user-friendly software to perform them. In addition, they provide an overview of free and commercial computer programs for all of the tests presented in the book.
Building on the previous editions that have served as standard textbooks for more than twenty-five years, Randomization Tests, Fourth Edition includes a CD-ROM of up-to-date randomization test programs that facilitate application of the tests to experimental data. This CD-ROM enables students to work out problems that have been added to the chapters and helps professors teach the basics of randomization tests and devise tasks for assignments and examinations.