Author: Tim Hall MB ChB FRCP MRCGP DipClinEd FHEA
Edition: 2
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0443103704
PACES for the MRCP: with 250 Clinical Cases, 2e (MRCP Study Guides)
This title is written for MRCP candidates preparing for PACES exam in UK and rest of world. Medical books PACES for the MRCP. Clinical examinations in the OSCE style of marked stations are daunting for all students, whether undergraduates or MRCP candidates. The recent introduction of the 5-station PACES (Progressive Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills) exam inspired a great deal of apprehension, so the appearance of the first edition of Hall's PACES for MRCP was greatly welcomed by candidates and became an immediate success. This new edition builds on the book's reputation. It provides, in one colourful and attractive volume, complete coverage of all the most common medical cases that will be covered in PACES and similar exams Medical books PACES for the MRCP by Tim Hall. PACES for the MRCP : Paperback : Elsevier Health Sciences : 9780443103704 : 0443103704 : 17 Sep 2008 : Clinical examinations in the OSCE style of marked stations are daunting for students, whether undergraduates or MRCP candidates. The introduction of the 5-station PACES (Progressive Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills) exam inspired a great deal of apprehension. This book provides coverage of common medical cases of PACES and similar exams.

Download link for Paces For The Mrcp (mrcp Study Guides), Hall Mb Chb Mrcp Mrcgp Dipmeded Dr.,
PACES for the MRCP : Paperback : Elsevier Health Sciences : 9780443103704 : 0443103704 : 17 Sep 2008 : Clinical examinations in the OSCE style of marked stations are daunting for students, whether undergraduates or MRCP candidates. The introduction of the 5-station PACES (Progressive Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills) exam inspired a great deal of apprehension. This book provides coverage of common medical cases of PACES and similar exams.
Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Paces for the MRCP: With 250 Clinical Cases by Tim Hall Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New Clinical examinations in the OSCE style of marked stations are daunting for students, whether undergraduates or MRCP candidates. The introduction of the 5-station PACES (Progressive Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills) exam inspired a great deal of apprehension. This book provides coverage of common medical cases of P
The 3rd edition of PACES for the MRCP has been fully revised and updated throughout to retain its pole position as the textbook to accompany core medical training (CMT) and prepare candidates for success in the Practical Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills and a future specialty career. Features Fully revised for the new Station 5 and completely updated throughout. Promotes understanding and deeper learning of modern medicine applicable to PACES and the specialist registrar. Emphasis on clinical assessment - history-taking, examination and communication skills - equipping candidates with
Paces for the Mrcp, ISBN-13: 9780443071904, ISBN-10: 044307190X
Medical Book PACES for the MRCP
Clinical examinations in the OSCE style of marked stations are daunting for all students, whether undergraduates or MRCP candidates. The recent introduction of the 5-station PACES (Progressive Assessment of Clinical Examination Skills) exam inspired a great deal of apprehension, so the appearance of the first edition of Hall's PACES for MRCP was greatly welcomed by candidates and became an immediate success. This new edition builds on the book's reputation. It provides, in one colourful and attractive volume, complete coverage of all the most common medical cases that will be covered in PACES and similar exams.
- A one-volume text giving candidates complete preparation for the PACES exam within one portable volume
- 250 cases organised into the 5 stations of the PACES exam - respiratory and abdominal system, history taking, cardiovascular and nervous system, communication and ethics and skin, locomotion, eyes and endocrine systems
- Engaging question-and-answer approach at the end of each case - excellent preparation for the exam
- Boxed tips highlight vital information - helps identify what is most important to remember
- Produced in full colour throughout
- Colour coding for each station
- Many more illustrations added - now over 300 clinical photographs and line drawings in colour
- Many more cases added, bringing the number up to 250 - 50 per station
- History-taking and communication skills stations now revised so that they exactly mimic the requirements of the exam