Sunday, September 5, 2010

Perioperative Diagnostic and Interventional Ultrasound with DVD, 1e

Perioperative Diagnostic and Interventional Ultrasound with DVD, 1e

Author: Dominic Harmon FFARCS(I) FRCA MD
Edition: 1 Har/DVD
Publisher: Saunders
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1416033564

Perioperative Diagnostic and Interventional Ultrasound with DVD, 1e

This reference equips you to perform a full range of diagnostic and interventional procedures using ultrasound technology. Medical books Perioperative Diagnostic and Interventional Ultrasound with DVD, 1e. Written by experts in ultrasonography, it follows an evidence-based-medicine approach, exploring the latest ultrasound applications for regional anesthesia and pain relief procedures, as well as diagnostic and critical care medicine. A companion DVD shows you how to perform the techniques discussed in the text.
  • Presents the unparalleled, practice-proven experience of top authorities in ultrasound.
  • Equips you to perform ultrasound-guided arterial cannulation, central venous access, and difficult peripheral venous access · general ultrasound in the ICU and trauma setting, TEE, and transcranial Doppler · ultrasound-guided nerve blocks and procedures for chronic pain · and more Medical books Perioperative Diagnostic and Interventional Ultrasou..., 9781416033561. Perioperative Diagnostic and Interventional Ultrasound with DVD, ISBN-13: 9781416033561, ISBN-10: 1416033564

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    Perioperative Diagnostic and Interventional Ultrasound with DVD, ISBN-13: 9781416033561, ISBN-10: 1416033564

    This reference equips you to perform a full range of diagnostic and interventional procedures using ultrasound technology. Written by experts in ultrasonography, it follows an evidence-based-medicine approach, exploring the latest ultrasound...

    Medical Book Perioperative Diagnostic and Interventional Ultrasound with DVD, 1e

    Written by experts in ultrasonography, it follows an evidence-based-medicine approach, exploring the latest ultrasound applications for regional anesthesia and pain relief procedures, as well as diagnostic and critical care medicine. A companion DVD shows you how to perform the techniques discussed in the text.
    • Presents the unparalleled, practice-proven experience of top authorities in ultrasound.
    • Equips you to perform ultrasound-guided arterial cannulation, central venous access, and difficult peripheral venous access · general ultrasound in the ICU and trauma setting, TEE, and transcranial Doppler · ultrasound-guided nerve blocks and procedures for chronic pain · and more.
    • Features a consistent chapter format, with sections entitled "Sonoatomy" · "How to do it?" · and "Evidence and Literature," to make the information you need easy to find.
    • A bonus DVD featuring nearly 100 video clips demonstrates how to perform the procedures described in the text.

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