Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0521462452
Complex Systems
This book explores the exciting new field of complexity. Medical books Complex Systems. It features in-depth coverage of important theoretical areas, including fractals, chaos, nonlinear dynamics, artificial life, and self organization. It also provides overviews of complexity in several applied areas, including parallel computation, control systems, neural systems, and ecosystems. Contributors examine some of the properties that best characterize complex systems, including algorithmic richness, nonlinearity, and abundant interactions between components. In this way the book draws themes, especially the ideas of connectivity and natural computation, that reveal deep, underlying similarities among phenomena that have formerly been treated as completely distinct Medical books Unifying Themes In Complex Systems; Proceedings; V.2. Reprint 2000 New England Complex Systems Institute Series On Complexity. Westview Press 2004. Paperback. New Book. Paperback. This second volume in the two-volume set collects the 33 papers and eight talks presented at the October 1998 conference on systems with multiple interacting components whose behavior cannot be simply inferred from the behavior of the components. No subject index is provided. The collection was originally published by Perseus in 2000. Volume one contains the proceedings of the first conference held in 1997. 2004 Book News Inc. Portland OR

Download link for Decoherence and Entropy in Complex Systems: Selected Lectures from DICE 2002
Westview Press 2004. Paperback. New Book. Paperback. This second volume in the two-volume set collects the 33 papers and eight talks presented at the October 1998 conference on systems with multiple interacting components whose behavior cannot be simply inferred from the behavior of the components. No subject index is provided. The collection was originally published by Perseus in 2000. Volume one contains the proceedings of the first conference held in 1997. 2004 Book News Inc. Portland OR
This books aim is to provide several different kinds of information: a delineation of general metaheuristics methods, a number of state-of-the-art articles from a variety of well-known classical application areas as well as an outlook to modern computational methods in promising new areas. Therefore, this book may equally serve as a textbook in graduate courses for students, as a reference book for people interested in engineering or social sciences, and as a collection of new and promising avenues for researchers working in this field.
Categories: Two-phase flow, Coupled problems (Complex systems), Two-phase flow. Contributors: Salomon Levy - Author. Format: Hardcover
Categories: Two-phase flow, Coupled problems (Complex systems), Two-phase flow. Contributors: Salomon Levy - Author. Format: Hardcover
Medical Book Complex Systems
It features in-depth coverage of important theoretical areas, including fractals, chaos, nonlinear dynamics, artificial life, and self organization. It also provides overviews of complexity in several applied areas, including parallel computation, control systems, neural systems, and ecosystems. Contributors examine some of the properties that best characterize complex systems, including algorithmic richness, nonlinearity, and abundant interactions between components. In this way the book draws themes, especially the ideas of connectivity and natural computation, that reveal deep, underlying similarities among phenomena that have formerly been treated as completely distinct. Researchers in a wide array of fields, including ecology, neuroscience, computer science, and mathematics, will find this volume to be a fascinating collection of ideas.