Publisher: American Hospital Association
Binding: Unknown Binding
ISBN: B001I8ZQ66
The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care
Medical books The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care. Medical books Tracking the Care of Patients with Severe Chronic Illness: The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care 2008. Categories: Science * General. Contributors: Elliott S. Fisher - Author. Format: NOOK Book
Download link for The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care 1999: The Quality..., 9781556482571
Categories: Science * General. Contributors: Elliott S. Fisher - Author. Format: NOOK Book
Contributors: John E. Wennberg - Author. Format: Hardcover
One small community in the Colorado oil patch delivers the highest value-for-the-money health care in the United States and in the process covers nearly everyone in town. How do they do it? Could other communities do it too? Correspondant TR Reid confers with the authors of the Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care and learns that there are huge variations in health care spending across the US.
Tracking the Care of Patients with Severe Chronic Illness: The Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care 2008, ISBN-13: 9780981586205, ISBN-10: 0981586201