Edition: 2
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0826198120
Encyclopedia of Nursing Research: Second Edition (Fitzpatrick, Encyclopedia of Nursing Reserach)
Named an Outstanding Academic Title for 2007 by Choice!
Winner of an AJN Book of the Year Award!
The Encyclopedia of Nursing Research, now thoroughly updated in a second edition, presents key terms and concepts in nursing research and with over 30% of the entries new to this edition. Medical books Encyclopedia of Nursing Research. Written by the world's leading authorities in nursing research, this comprehensive reference is a "one-stop" resource for everything you need to know about nursing research and its utilization.
- The 320 articles by 200 expert contributors include topics such as:
- Nursing services
- Electronic networks and technology
- Nursing education
- Nursing care
- Specialties in nursing
- Patients' reactions and adjustments
- Historical, philosophical, and cultural issues
- Nursing organizations and publications
- New entries include:
- Boykin and Schoenhofer
- Cancer Survivorship
- Depression in Cardiac Disease
- Disparities in Minority Mental Health
- Endotrachial Suctioning
- Formal Nursing Languages
- Henderson's Model
- HIV Risk Behavior
- Middle Range Theories
- Newman's Theory of Health
- Peplau's Theoretical Model
- Rogers Science of Unitary Persons
- Taxonomy
- Watson's Theory of Human Caring
- And more!
Extensive cross references help readers find information easily. Nursing researchers and graduate students in nursing will be the primary audience for this volume. As with the first edition, nurses in all phases of education, from basic to doctoral, from formal university and college-based programs to continuing education offerings, within all health systems, will find this an important introduction to current nursing research topics Medical books Encyclopedia Of Nursing Research, Third Edition Ebook. Buy Encyclopedia of Nursing Research, Third Edition by and Read this Book on Kobo's Free Apps. Discover Kobo's Vast Collection of Ebooks Today - Over 3 Million Titles, Including 2 Million Free Ones!
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Medical Book Encyclopedia of Nursing Research
Written by the world's leading authorities in nursing research, this comprehensive reference is a "one-stop" resource for everything you need to know about nursing research and its utilization.
- The 320 articles by 200 expert contributors include topics such as:
- Nursing services
- Electronic networks and technology
- Nursing education
- Nursing care
- Specialties in nursing
- Patients' reactions and adjustments
- Historical, philosophical, and cultural issues
- Nursing organizations and publications
- New entries include:
- Boykin and Schoenhofer
- Cancer Survivorship
- Depression in Cardiac Disease
- Disparities in Minority Mental Health
- Endotrachial Suctioning
- Formal Nursing Languages
- Henderson's Model
- HIV Risk Behavior
- Middle Range Theories
- Newman's Theory of Health
- Peplau's Theoretical Model
- Rogers Science of Unitary Persons
- Taxonomy
- Watson's Theory of Human Caring
- And more!
Extensive cross references help readers find information easily. Nursing researchers and graduate students in nursing will be the primary audience for this volume. As with the first edition, nurses in all phases of education, from basic to doctoral, from formal university and college-based programs to continuing education offerings, within all health systems, will find this an important introduction to current nursing research topics.