Author: Cynthia C. Chernecky
Edition: 2
Publisher: Saunders
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1416028773
Saunders Nursing Survival Guide: Drug Calculations and Drug Administration, 2E
A study and review aid for students struggling with this especially difficult subject area, this book offers a visual, straightforward approach that clearly explains topics such as drug calculations; oral, IM, topical, and IV drug administration; and special topics such as pediatric administration, advanced care, and technology. Medical books Saunders Nursing Survival Guide. The 2nd edition features discussions on 30 new drugs, 25 new calculation problems on dimensional analysis, a new feature on Medication Safety Errors in outer margins, as well as updated NCLEX examination-style questions.
- Unique presentation of content allows students to survive and thrive.
- Material is presented using adult learning principles and various active-learning strategies to engage nursing students of all ages, backgrounds, and learning styles.
- Consistent chapter format breaks down information into small units and reinforces an effective thinking process Medical books Saunders Nursing Survival Guide: ECGs and the Heart. Saunders Nursing Survival Guide: ECGs and the Heart, ISBN-13: 9781416028789, ISBN-10: 1416028781
Download link for Saunders Nursing Survival Guide: Critical Care & Emergency ... Ebook
Saunders Nursing Survival Guide: ECGs and the Heart, ISBN-13: 9781416028789, ISBN-10: About FAQ Payment Delivery Contact Us 1800-987-323 Saunders Nursing Survival Guide: Fluids and Electrolytes (English) by Cynthia C. Chernecky , Denise Macklin Format Paperback Condition Brand New Language English This readable and student-friendly guide simplifies and clearly explains the complex concepts and processes of fluids and electrolytes in the human body. It utilizes a step-by-step learning approach and starts with the basics and advances to cover more complex issues. ThSaunders Nursing Survival Guide: Fluids and Electrolytespresents ... Saunders Nursing Survival Guide: Critical Care and Emergency ISBN: 141606169X Author: Schumacher RN MS CCRN, Lori; Chernecky PhD RN CNS AOCN FAAN, Cynthia C. Publisher: Saunders Release Date: 2009-07-14 Seller Category: -- Qty Available: 1 Condition: Used: Very Good Sku: 91735 Notes: Choose Expedited Shipping for fastest delivery! Free USPS Tracking Number. Used texts may NOT contain supplemental materials such as CD's, info-trac, access codes, etc... Satisfaction Guaranteed! Don'tMedical Book Saunders Nursing Survival Guide
The 2nd edition features discussions on 30 new drugs, 25 new calculation problems on dimensional analysis, a new feature on Medication Safety Errors in outer margins, as well as updated NCLEX examination-style questions.- Unique presentation of content allows students to survive and thrive.
- Material is presented using adult learning principles and various active-learning strategies to engage nursing students of all ages, backgrounds, and learning styles.
- Consistent chapter format breaks down information into small units and reinforces an effective thinking process.
- Special icons for Lifespan Considerations, Cultural Implications, Web Links, and Cautions help the student quickly identify special content in the chapter.
- Memory-reinforcing interactive activities (including fill-in the blank, matching, word jumbles, true/false, and crossword puzzles) promote student learning.
- Clinical terms and shorthand expressions are highlighted in parentheses to expose students to terminology that they will hear in the hospital setting.
- Boxed Take Home Points provide the benefit of years of nursing experience that students can use to prepare for their clinical rotation.
- Original cartoon-character illustrations walk the student through difficult subjects with a lighthearted approach.
- Cover design and series title better identify the series as a fun and simple review.
- What You Will Learn section provides chapter objectives for the readers to aid in their navigation through the chapters.
- Over 100 NCLEX"¥ examination-style review questions have been moved to the ends of chapters to immediately test student knowledge.
- Unique presentation of content allows students to survive and thrive.