Author: Andrew T. Raftery BSc MBChB(Hons) MD FRCS(Eng) FRCS(Ed)
Edition: 2
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0080451403
Applied Basic Science for Basic Surgical Training, 2e (MRCS Study Guides)
This title is directed primarily towards health care professionals outside of the United States. Medical books Applied Basic Science for Basic Surgical Training, 2e . It has been written to encompass the basic anatomy, physiology and pathology required by the syllabus of the UK Royal Colleges and the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Project. For this Second Edition many of the chapters have been updated, especially the chapters on immunology, basic microbiology, the endocrine and locomotor systems and the breast. An attempt has been made throughout to indicate the clinical relevance of the facts and the reason for learning them. There are several new contributors to the author team, all of whom are experts in their field and many of them are, or have been, experienced examiners at the various UK Royal Colleges Medical books Applied Basic Science For Basic Surgical Training 2e Mrcs Study Guides.

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Applied Basic Science Surgical Training 2/e, ISBN-13: 9780080451398, ISBN-10: 008045139X
Medical Book Applied Basic Science for Basic Surgical Training, 2e
It has been written to encompass the basic anatomy, physiology and pathology required by the syllabus of the UK Royal Colleges and the Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Project. For this Second Edition many of the chapters have been updated, especially the chapters on immunology, basic microbiology, the endocrine and locomotor systems and the breast. An attempt has been made throughout to indicate the clinical relevance of the facts and the reason for learning them. There are several new contributors to the author team, all of whom are experts in their field and many of them are, or have been, experienced examiners at the various UK Royal Colleges.
Thoroughly revised to take account of latest changes in basic surgical training, especially the chapters on immunology, basic microbiology, the endocrine and locomotor systems and the breast