Author: Judi Deglin
Publisher: F.A. Davis Company
Binding: Cards
ISBN: 0803619154
Nurse's Med Deck, with Resource Kit CD-ROM
EXPECT MORE!MORE new and updated content! MORE emphasis on safe nursing practice! MORE focused on patient safety!Here's the revised and updated card deck version of Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses, Eleventh Edition. Medical books Nurse's Med Deck, with Resource Kit CD-ROM. Like the book, it focuses on patient safety and contains well-organized monographs that emphasize what nurses need to know. MORE OF WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR. Find information on nearly 1,000 drugs, organized alphabetically. Search the comprehensive index on the yellow cards by generic name, trade name, classification, or combination drug name Medical books Nurse's Med Deck + Resource Kit CD-ROM. Contributors: Judi Deglin - Author. Format: Other Format

Download link for Nurse's Med Deck + Resource Kit CD-ROM by Dr. Vallerand
Contributors: Judi Deglin - Author. Format: Other Format
Contributors: Judi Deglin - Author. Format: Other Format
Contributors: Judi Deglin - Author. Format: Other Format
Contributors: Judi Deglin - Author. Format: Other Format
Medical Book Nurse's Med Deck, with Resource Kit CD-ROM
Like the book, it focuses on patient safety and contains well-organized monographs that emphasize what nurses need to know. MORE OF WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR. Find information on nearly 1,000 drugs, organized alphabetically. Search the comprehensive index on the yellow cards by generic name, trade name, classification, or combination drug name. Locate profiles of major therapeutic classifications on the cards that directly follow the index. Provides information on approximately 400 generic drugs and 40 group monographs. Comes with 42 drug classifications on yellow cards that directly follow the index. Identifies high-alert medications to protect patient safety as well as "Therapeutic Effects" sections that advise students on anticipated patient outcomes. Features headings for IV administration, dilution, and concentration. Carry up to 30 cards in a durable, plastic pouch. Includes the full CD-ROM Resource Kit from Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses, 11th Edition, plus the FREE Student and the Instructor Resources available on DavisPlus. MORE TEACHING TOOLS NEW! Resources for Instructors online at DavisPlus, upon adoptionMORE LEARNING TOOLS. Resources for Students online at DavisPlus. (No fee. No password. No registration.) Resource Kit CD-ROM. (Available with the Book + CD-ROM version.)MORE ELECTRONIC RESOURCES. NEW! FREE PDA access to 400 complete monographs for commonly administered drugs. NEW! Enhanced online service for, powered by Unbound Medicine. MORE CURRENT... Provides regular drug updates via e-mail-FREE at, powered by Unbound Medicine! Monographs for new FDA-approved drugs. Drug alerts and recalls. Offers a new, online service, available from Unbound Medicine. MORE CLINICAL AND LEARNING TOOLS. on the Resource Kit CD-ROM! NEW! FREE PDA download powered by Unbound Medicine-400 complete monographs for commonly administered drugs. Updated Drug Search Program-nearly 700 searchable drug monographs that can be copied, pasted, and printed and NEW! Audio Pronunciations for drugs included in the Drug Search Program. NEW! Unique Psychotropic Drugs Tutorial, depicting the safe administration of psychotropic medications. Includes monograph content for select psychotropic drugs, plus a multiple-choice self test. Unique preventing Medication Errors Tutorial-a medication safety review, 60-question self test with "real-life" scenarios, physician orders, and rationales for correct and incorrect answers. Updated Wound Care Tutorial-a photographic overview of the different types of wounds and wound care products as well as a 20-question self-test, with answers and rationales. NEW! Interactive Case Studies-brief "real-life" scenarios followed by a series of questions. Results can be printed or e-mailed. Drug Dosage Calculators for metric conversions, IV drip rates, and dosage/kg, and Fahrenheit/Celsius. Wound Care Clinical Sheets-a quick review of pressure ulcer prevention strategies, wound assessment, pressure ulcer stages and treatment, and wound care products. Pocket sized and printable. And more! MORE WAYS TO ENHANCE STUDENT LEARNING... Student Resources Online at DavisPlus-FREE upon adoption NEW! Animations demonstrate the administration and absorption of oral drugs. The animations also feature schematic brain illustrations that depict the impact of certain DSM disorders and the effect of psychotropic medications on patients. NEW! Video Clips illustrate the safe administration of medications. NEW! Interactive Case Studies enhance your students' critical thinking skills by offering brief "real-life" scenarios followed by a series of questions with answers and rationales. Select Tutorials from the CD-ROM provide an evidence-based overview of safe and effective medication administration. And more! MORE TOOLS TO ENHANCE TEACHING. NEW! Instructor Resources Online at DavisPlus -FREE upon adoption! These password-protected ancillaries are FREE to instructors who adopt Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses, Eleventh Edition.Case Studies with real-life scenarios, followed by questions designed to encourage critical thinking skills that you can print out and use in your classes. PowerPoint Presentations for classroom use. Drug Classifications Drug Interactions Medication Errors Special Populations The Drug Search Installer from Davis's Drug Guide for Nurses CD-ROM. A Scavenger Hunt. And more!