Author: Barbara B. Hodgson RN OCN
Edition: Min Pap/CD
Publisher: Saunders
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1416036121
Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2007, 1e (HODGSON/NURSES DRUG HNDBK)
Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook is a reliable and easy-to-use source of current drug information needed by the busy health care provider. Medical books Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2007, 1e . What separates this book from others is that it includes comprehensive coverage of IV drug administration and it promotes efficient clinical use because it's organized according to the way nurses practice. Organized alphabetically by generic drug name, this book provides essential information for thousands of medications in a user-friendly format. A bound-in mini CD-ROM includes searchable and printable drug cards for 400 drugs. A companion website provides updates on drugs recently approved by the FDA, alerts, helpful weblinks, and more Medical books Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2007 1e Hodgson/Nurses Drug Hndbk. Saunders 2006-08-11. Good. Book is in overall good condition!! Cover shows some edge wear and corners are lightly worn. Pages have a minimal to moderate amount of markings. FAST SHIPPING W/USPS TRACKING!!!

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Saunders 2006-08-11. Good. Book is in overall good condition!! Cover shows some edge wear and corners are lightly worn. Pages have a minimal to moderate amount of markings. FAST SHIPPING W/USPS TRACKING!!!
Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2007, ISBN-13: 9781416036128, ISBN-10: 1416036121
Medical Book Saunders Nursing Drug Handbook 2007, 1e
What separates this book from others is that it includes comprehensive coverage of IV drug administration and it promotes efficient clinical use because it's organized according to the way nurses practice. Organized alphabetically by generic drug name, this book provides essential information for thousands of medications in a user-friendly format. A bound-in mini CD-ROM includes searchable and printable drug cards for 400 drugs. A companion website provides updates on drugs recently approved by the FDA, alerts, helpful weblinks, and more.
- Provides a comprehensive foldout IV compatibility chart with compatibility information for 65 intravenous drugs.
- Presents over 1,000 generic name drugs (encompassing over 4,000 trade name drugs) organized alphabetically with A to Z tabs to provide quick and easy access.
- Distinguishes side effects and adverse reactions and lists the effect or reaction by frequency of occurrence, which allows the nurse to easily identify which are most likely to occur.
- Incorporates frequently used herb monographs in the A to Z portion of the book, plus additional herb information in the appendix. Herbal information is also cross-referenced to the appendix, as applicable.
- Covers herbal interactions within drug entries.
- Includes a classifications section with an overview of actions and uses for drug families.
- UNIQUE! Identifies the top 400 prescribed trade name drugs within the monograph to help the user identify the most frequently administered drugs.
- Includes extensively expanded IV content with a heading for IV compatibilities, and expanded rates of infusion, reconstitutions, drip rates, test doses, flushing, and incompatibilities.
- Special, second-color icon for "High-Alert Drugs" to caution nurses to use extra care in administering drugs most likely to cause harm.
- Organizes nursing considerations in a functional nursing process framework and includes headings for Baseline Assessment, Intervention/Evaluation, and Patient/Family Teaching.
- Includes lifespan and disorder-related dosage variations, such as pediatric, geriatric, hepatic, and immune- or renal-compromised patients.
- Includes fixed combinations in dosages of each combined drug.
- Provides a new drug supplement with abbreviated information on the latest FDA-approved drugs released in the spring of 2006.
- UNIQUE! Includes a complimentary mini CD-ROM with customizable and printable monographs of the 400 most commonly used drugs as well as an interactive drug calculator.
- Offers free access to a companion Evolve website, which includes quarterly drug updates plus other valuable drug-related information.
- Therapeutic and toxic blood level information is incorporated into the Interactions section and under Nursing Considerations.
- UNIQUE! Quick-reference charts of IV infusion rates for critical care medications.
- Includes a Drugs by Disorder feature that lists the most commonly used drugs for specific disorders.
- Includes a color atlas of pills with color photos of 200 pills to allow the nurse to identify and visually distinguish different pills.
- UNIQUE! Cross references top 400 U.S. brand name drugs directly in the main section of the book.
- UNIQUE! Lists all newly approved drugs on the inside front cover of the book.
- Full monographs for approximately 25 to 40 newly approved drugs by the FDA provide the most current drug information.
- New interactions, precautions, alerts, patient teaching instructions, and other need-to-know information included throughout as needed to ensure safe drug information.
- New table for drugs used in rapid-sequence endotracheal intubations.
- New features to promote safe drug administration, such as "Tall Man" lettering, recommended by the FDA.
- New appendix on P450 inducers and inhibitors.