Author: Sandi Lafferty
Edition: 1
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Binding: Spiral-bound
ISBN: 0766820475
Tele-Nurse: Telephone Triage Protocols
When a patient calls a medical provider with questions or to report symptoms, a nurse experienced in telephone triage will likely take the call. Medical books Tele-Nurse. The goals of the triage nurse are to gain the confidence of the patient, relieve anxiety, obtain relevant information about the patient's symptoms, assess the information, and determine the level of medical intervention needed. The triage nurse is an experienced practitioner with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. This reference offers an overview to telephone triage, identifies liability and risk issues, describes the protocol or guideline structure, discusses a typical model (flow chart) of a triage call, and provides specific protocols by which the nurse obtains information leading to an assessment. A new telephone triage nurse can benefit from the information provided in this reference Medical books Tele-Nurse: Telephone Triage Protocols, 1st Edition. When a patient calls a medical provider with questions or to report symptoms, a nurse experienced in telephone triage will likely take the call. The goals of the triage nurse are to gain the confidence of the patient, relieve anxiety, obtain relevant information about the patient's symptoms, assess the information, and determine the level of medical intervention needed. The triage nurse is an experienced practitioner with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. This reference offers an overview to telephone triage, identifies liability and risk issues, describes the protocol or guideline structure, discusses a typical model (flow chart) of a triage call, and provides specific protocols by which the nurse obtains information leading to an assessment. A new telephone triage nurse can benefit from the information provided in this reference.
Download link for Tele-Nurse Telephone Triage Protocols, 9780766820470
When a patient calls a medical provider with questions or to report symptoms, a nurse experienced in telephone triage will likely take the call. The goals of the triage nurse are to gain the confidence of the patient, relieve anxiety, obtain relevant information about the patient's symptoms, assess the information, and determine the level of medical intervention needed. The triage nurse is an experienced practitioner with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. This reference offers an overview to telephone triage, identifies liability and risk issues, describes the protocol or guide
by Sandi Lafferty and Marijo Bard - Cengage Learning (2001) - Spiral - ISBN 0766820475 9780766820470
Categories: Emergency nursing->Handbooks, manuals, etc., Triage (Medicine), Telephone. Contributors: Sandi Lafferty - Author. Format: Other Format
Categories: Emergency nursing->Handbooks, manuals, etc., Triage (Medicine), Telephone. Contributors: Sandi Lafferty - Author. Format: Other Format
Medical Book Tele-Nurse
The goals of the triage nurse are to gain the confidence of the patient, relieve anxiety, obtain relevant information about the patient's symptoms, assess the information, and determine the level of medical intervention needed. The triage nurse is an experienced practitioner with excellent communication and interpersonal skills. This reference offers an overview to telephone triage, identifies liability and risk issues, describes the protocol or guideline structure, discusses a typical model (flow chart) of a triage call, and provides specific protocols by which the nurse obtains information leading to an assessment. A new telephone triage nurse can benefit from the information provided in this reference.