Thursday, August 30, 2012

Blood Group Antigens & Antibodies

Blood Group Antigens & Antibodies

Author: Marion E. Reid
Publisher: Starbright Books
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1595721037

Blood Group Antigens & Antibodies: A Guide to Clinical Relevance & Technical Tips

This easy-to-use, easy-to-carry pocket book contains nearly 300 ISBT recognized blood group antigens and their corresponding antibodies including: significance in transfusions, number of expected compatible donors, characters of the antibodies, and technical tips. Medical books Blood Group Antigens & Antibodies. Medical books Blood Group Antigens & Antibodies: A Guide To Clinical Relevance & Technical Tip. Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Blood Group Antigens Antibodies: A Guide to Clinical Relevance Technical Tips by Marion E. Reid, Christine Lomas-Francis Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New Once again, Marion Reid and Christine Lomas-Francis have written a landmark book esigned to enable easy understanding of the complex world ofblood group antigens and antibodies. The book enables the clinician to have a library at their fingertips so that appro

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Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Blood Group Antigens Antibodies: A Guide to Clinical Relevance Technical Tips by Marion E. Reid, Christine Lomas-Francis Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New Once again, Marion Reid and Christine Lomas-Francis have written a landmark book esigned to enable easy understanding of the complex world ofblood group antigens and antibodies. The book enables the clinician to have a library at their fingertips so that appro

Blood Group Antigens & Antibodies

The purpose of the pocket book is to provide key clinical and technical information relating to blood group antigens and antibodies in a concise format. This easy-to-use and easy-to-carry pocket book provides a way to keep facts relating to clinical and technical aspects of blood groups in your pocket and readily accessible.

Blood Group Antigens Antibodies: A Guide to Clinical Relevance Technical Tips Marion E Reid Product code : 9781595721037 Format :Paperback 214 pages Category :Medical Published :01 January 2007 Condition :Brand new, unused SYNOPSIS The purpose of the pocket book is to provide key clinical and technical information relating to blood group antigens and antibodies in a concise format. This easy-to-use and easy-to-carry pocket book provides a way to keep facts relating to clinical and technical asp

Medical Book Blood Group Antigens & Antibodies

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