Edition: 3rd
Publisher: Raven Pr
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0781702844
Fundamental Virology
This text provides an explanation of the basic and medical aspects of virology in a comprehensive format. Medical books Fundamental Virology. It is comprised of selected chapters from the third edition of "Fields Virology" (ISBN 0-7817-0253-4) that have specific relevance for all medical and graduate students, as well as researchers in infectious disease and other clinical scientists Medical books Fundamental Virology, 9780781718332. Fundamental Virology, ISBN-13: 9780781718332, ISBN-10: 0781718333
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Fundamental Virology, ISBN-13: 9780781718332, ISBN-10: 0781718333
Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Hardcover. 0781718333 Hardcover; 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 1408 pages; "Fundamental Virology." . Fair.
by David M. Knipe, Howley, Griffin, Lamb, Martin, Roizman and Straus - Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (2001) - Hardback - ISBN 0781718333 9780781718332
Recommended in the Brandon/Hill selected list of print books and journals for the small medical library - April 2003 Designed for graduate students and researchers in all biological and biomedical sciences, this volume brings together the basic science chapters from the two volume Fourth Edition of Fields Virology . These 37 chapters comprise a comprehensive text and reference on the concepts and research techniques of contemporary virology and the biochemistry, molecular biology, and replication of all viruses. The first part of the book covers basic concepts of general virology and the secon
Medical Book Fundamental Virology
It is comprised of selected chapters from the third edition of "Fields Virology" (ISBN 0-7817-0253-4) that have specific relevance for all medical and graduate students, as well as researchers in infectious disease and other clinical scientists. The book is divided into two major sections: the first addresses general principles such as virus taxonomy, analysis of viral membranes, defective genomes and pathogenesis of viral infection; the second section details specific virus families and their replication and provides critical updates on specific virus families.