Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Fundamentals Of Microbiology

Fundamentals Of Microbiology

Author: Jeffrey C. Pommerville
Edition: 10
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Learning
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1449688616

Fundamentals Of Microbiology

Every new copy of the print book includes access code to Student Companion Website! The Tenth Edition of Jeffrey Pommerville's best-selling, award-winning classic text Fundamentals of Microbiology provides nursing and allied health students with a firm foundation in microbiology. Medical books Fundamentals Of Microbiology. Updated to reflect the Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Microbiology as recommended by the American Society of Microbiology, the fully revised tenth edition includes all-new pedagogical features and the most current research data. This edition incorporates updates on infectious disease and the human microbiome, a revised discussion of the immune system, and an expanded Learning Design Concept feature that challenges students to develop critical-thinking skills. Accesible enough for introductory students and comprehensive enough for more advanced learners, Fundamentals of Microbiology encourages students to synthesize information, think deeply, and develop a broad toolset for analysis and research. Real-life examples, actual published experiments, and engaging figures and tables ensure student success Medical books Alcamo's Laboratory Fundamentals of Microbiology .... Alcamo's Laboratory Fundamentals of Microbiology Jones & Bartlett Publishers 9780763726652 09780763726652

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Alcamo's Laboratory Fundamentals of Microbiology Jones & Bartlett Publishers 9780763726652 09780763726652

author jeffrey c pommerville format hardback language english publication year 06 02 2009 subject mathematics sciences subject 2 science mathematics textbooks study guides title alcamo s fundamentals of microbiology body systems author pommerville jeffrey c publisher jones bartlett pub publication date mar 03 2009 pages 913 binding hardcover edition 1 st dimensions 8 25 wx 10 75 hx 1 50 d isbn 0763762598 subject science life sciences biology microbiology brand new hardcover all orders get full

Alcamo's Laboratory Fundamentals of Microbiology

This textbook is titled Alcamo's Fundamentals of Microbiology by Pommerville Jeffrey C Pommerville and is nearly indentical to the more current editions including ISBN 1449635970 or ISBN 9781449635978 the 2nd edition or 2012 edition or even more recent edition. This is the 7th edition and it contains nearly the exact same content as the newest edition as many other students have observed. Choose priority shipping upon checkout for fastest shipping speeds. We ship fast. Use the SEARCH STORE box

Medical Book Fundamentals Of Microbiology

Updated to reflect the Curriculum Guidelines for Undergraduate Microbiology as recommended by the American Society of Microbiology, the fully revised tenth edition includes all-new pedagogical features and the most current research data. This edition incorporates updates on infectious disease and the human microbiome, a revised discussion of the immune system, and an expanded Learning Design Concept feature that challenges students to develop critical-thinking skills. Accesible enough for introductory students and comprehensive enough for more advanced learners, Fundamentals of Microbiology encourages students to synthesize information, think deeply, and develop a broad toolset for analysis and research. Real-life examples, actual published experiments, and engaging figures and tables ensure student success. The texts's design allows students to self-evaluate and build a solid platform of investigative skills. Enjoyable, lively, and challenging, Fundamentals of Microbiology is an essential text for students in the health sciences. New to the fully revised and updated Tenth Edition: -New Investigating the Microbial World feature in each chapter encourages students to participate in the scientific investigation process and challenges them to apply the process of science and quantitative reasoning through related actual experiments. -All-new or updated discussions of the human microbiome, infectious diseases, the immune system, and evolution -Redesigned and updated figures and tables increase clarity and student understanding -Includes new and revised critical thinking exercises included in the end-of-chapter material -Incorporates updated and new MicroFocus and MicroInquiry boxes, and Textbook Cases -The Companion Website includes a wealth of study aids and learning tools, including new interactive animations* *Companion Website access is not included with ebook offerings.

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