Author: Frantois Kopos
Edition: 1
Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 981270695X
Biological Networks (Complex Systems and Interdisciplinary Science)
This volume presents a timely and comprehensive overview of biological networks at all organization levels in the spirit of the complex systems approach. Medical books Biological Networks . It discusses the transversal issues and fundamental principles as well as the overall structure, dynamics, and modeling of a wide array of biological networks at the molecular, cellular, and population levels. Anchored in both empirical data and a strong theoretical background, the book therefore lends valuable credence to the complex systems approach.
Contents: Scale-Free Networks in Biology (E Almaas et al.); Modularity in Biological Networks (R V Solé et al Medical books Modeling and Simulation of Biological Networks. Categories: Biology->Mathematical models, Computational biology->Congresses. Contributors: American Mathematical Society, Short Course, Modeling and Simulation of Biology Networks Staff - Contribution by. Format: Hardcover
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Medical Book Biological Networks
It discusses the transversal issues and fundamental principles as well as the overall structure, dynamics, and modeling of a wide array of biological networks at the molecular, cellular, and population levels. Anchored in both empirical data and a strong theoretical background, the book therefore lends valuable credence to the complex systems approach.
Contents: Scale-Free Networks in Biology (E Almaas et al.); Modularity in Biological Networks (R V Solé et al.); Inference of Biological Regulatory Networks: Machine Learning Approaches (F d Alché-Buc); Transcriptional Networks (F Képès); Protein Interaction Networks (K Tan & T Ideker); Metabolic Networks (D A Fell); Heterogeneous Molecular Networks (V Schächter); Evolution of Regulatory Networks (A Veron et al.); Complexity in Neuronal Networks (Y Frégnac et al.); Networks of the Immune System (R E Callard & J Stark); A History of the Study of Ecological Networks (L-F Bersier); Dynamic Network Models of Ecological Diversity, Complexity, and Nonlinear Persistence (R J Williams & N D Martinez); Infection Transmission through Networks (J S Koopman).