Author: Harry L. Greene II MD
Edition: 2
Publisher: Mosby
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0323000290
Decision Making in Medicine: An Algorithmic Approach
DECISION MAKING IN MEDICINE offers an algorithmic approach to the diagnosis and treatment of common disorders and diseases. Medical books Decision Making in Medicine. By providing nearly 250 clinical decision making algorithms, this practical reference helps you arrive at the proper diagnosis and also leads you to the appropriate therapy or course of action. Brief text appears on the page facing each algorithm to provide additional explanations or details about key decision points on the algorithm. Topics are organized by sign, symptom, problem, or laboratory abnormality. The consistent format and decision tree approach of DECISION MAKING IN MEDICINE is certain to enhance your clinical efficiency Medical books Decision Making In Medicine - An Algorithmic Approach. Massachusetts Medical Society Waltham Text of diagnostic and treatment decision making trees and algorithms For practitioners residents and students DNLM Diagnosis
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Massachusetts Medical Society Waltham Text of diagnostic and treatment decision making trees and algorithms For practitioners residents and students DNLM Diagnosis
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Decision Making in Medicine: An Algorithmic Approach
This popular reference facilitates diagnostic and therapeutic decision making for a wide range of common and often complex problems faced in outpatient and inpatient medicine. Comprehensive algorithmic decision trees guide you through more than 250 disorders organized by sign, symptom, problem, or laboratory abnormality. The brief text accompanying each algorithm explains the key steps of the decision making process, giving you the clear, clinical guidelines you need to successfully manage even your toughest cases.
Medical Book Decision Making in Medicine
By providing nearly 250 clinical decision making algorithms, this practical reference helps you arrive at the proper diagnosis and also leads you to the appropriate therapy or course of action. Brief text appears on the page facing each algorithm to provide additional explanations or details about key decision points on the algorithm. Topics are organized by sign, symptom, problem, or laboratory abnormality. The consistent format and decision tree approach of DECISION MAKING IN MEDICINE is certain to enhance your clinical efficiency.
Algorithmic format promotes systematic thinking and logical clinical decision making Comprehensive coverage includes general medicine, internal medicine, women's health, emergency medicine, urology, behavioral medicine and pharmacology Brief text accompanies each algorithm to explain and highlight key steps of the decision making process New section on Women's Health presents conditions that affect women NEW TO THIS EDITION Gives greater emphasis to conditions unique to women in a new section on women's health
Spanish version of 1st edition also available, ISBN: 84-8174-103-5