Author: William E Brant
Edition: 4
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Binding: Kindle Edition
Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology: 1
This fully revised edition of Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology conveys the essential knowledge needed to understand the clinical application of imaging technologies. Medical books Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology. An ideal tool for all radiology residents and students, it covers all subspecialty areas and current imaging modalities as utilized in neuroradiology, chest, breast, abdominal, musculoskeletal imaging, ultrasound, pediatric imaging, interventional techniques and nuclear radiology. New and expanded topics in this edition include use of diffustion-weighted MR, new contrast agents, breast MR, and current guidelines for biopsy and intervention. Many new images, expanded content, and full-color throughout make the fourth edition of this classic text a comprehensive review that is ideal as a first reader for beginning residents, a reference during rotations, and a vital resource when preparing for the American Board of Radiology examinations.
More than just a book, the fourth edition is a complete print and online package Medical books Fundamentals Of Diagnostic Radiology. Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology by William E Brant Estimated delivery 4-14 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New Conveys the essential knowledge needed to understand the clinical application of imaging technologies. Suitable for radiology residents and students, this book covers all subspecialty areas and current imaging modalities as utilized in neuroradiology, chest, breast, abdominal, musculoskeletal imaging, ultrasound, and pediat

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Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology by William E Brant Estimated delivery 4-14 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New Conveys the essential knowledge needed to understand the clinical application of imaging technologies. Suitable for radiology residents and students, this book covers all subspecialty areas and current imaging modalities as utilized in neuroradiology, chest, breast, abdominal, musculoskeletal imaging, ultrasound, and pediat
Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology, ISBN-13: 9781608319114, ISBN-10: 1608319113
This fully revised edition of Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology conveys the essential knowledge needed to understand the clinical application of imaging technologies. An ideal tool for all radiology residents and students, it covers all subspecialty areas and current imaging modalities as utilized in neuroradiology, chest, breast, abdominal, musculoskeletal imaging, ultrasound, pediatric imaging, interventional techniques and nuclear radiology. New and expanded topics in this edition include use of diffustion-weighted MR, new contrast agents, breast MR, and current guidelines for biopsy and
author clyde helms author william e brant format hardback language english publication year 01 03 2012 subject medicine subject 2 clinical medicine professional ean 9781608319114 title fundamentals of diagnostic radiology sku st 1608319113 product category books comics magazines about speedy hen ltd by continuing with this checkout and ordering from speedy hen you are accepting our current terms and conditions details of which can be found by clicking here author s clyde helms william e brant co
Medical Book Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology
An ideal tool for all radiology residents and students, it covers all subspecialty areas and current imaging modalities as utilized in neuroradiology, chest, breast, abdominal, musculoskeletal imaging, ultrasound, pediatric imaging, interventional techniques and nuclear radiology. New and expanded topics in this edition include use of diffustion-weighted MR, new contrast agents, breast MR, and current guidelines for biopsy and intervention. Many new images, expanded content, and full-color throughout make the fourth edition of this classic text a comprehensive review that is ideal as a first reader for beginning residents, a reference during rotations, and a vital resource when preparing for the American Board of Radiology examinations.
More than just a book, the fourth edition is a complete print and online package. Readers will also have access to fully searchable content from the book, a downloadable image bank containing all images from the text, and study guides for each chapter that outline the key points for every image and table in an accessible format—ideal for study and review.
This is the 1 volume set.
This is the tablet version of Fundamentals of Diagnostic Radiology which does not include access to the supplemental content mentioned in the text.