Author: Norman M. Bradburn
Edition: 1
Publisher: Jossey-Bass
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 1555420982
Polls and Surveys: Understanding What they Tell Us
What do polls and surveys really tell us? Polls and surveys affect everything from how we elect our leaders to what programs we watch on television. Medical books Polls and Surveys. Yet few of us really understand how they are conducted or know what the results mean. When are poll results misleading or unreliable? How does the wording of survey questions affect responses? Do election polls unduly influence results? This new book, written by two experts on survey research, answers the questions we all have about polls and surveys- as well as the many questions that should be addressed but are seldom even raised. "The accelerated and widespread emergence of polls and surveys in our political and social processes has not been matched by critical analysis and review by independent experts. Two eminent scholars, Norman Bradburn and Seymour Sudman, in Polls and Surveys, have taken a giant step to fill the gap Medical books Method and Meaning in Polls and Surveys, 9780674028272. Method and Meaning in Polls and Surveys, ISBN-13: 9780674028272, ISBN-10: 0674028279

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Method and Meaning in Polls and Surveys, ISBN-13: 9780674028272, ISBN-10: 0674028279
Powered by Frooition Pro Click here to view full size. Full Size Image Click to close full size. Method and Meaning in Polls and Surveys - Book NEW Author(s): Howard Schuman Format: Paperback # Pages: 214 ISBN-13: 9780674060432 Published: 03/11/2011 Language: English Weight: 1.05 pounds Howard Schuman is one of the premier scholars of social surveys. His expertise concerns the way questions about attitudes and beliefs are worded and the effects questions have on the answers people give. However
Method and Meaning in Polls and Surveys by Schuman, Howard [Paperback]
Categories: Social surveys, Social sciences->Research, Social survey. Contributors: Howard Schuman - Author. Format: Hardcover
Medical Book Polls and Surveys
Yet few of us really understand how they are conducted or know what the results mean. When are poll results misleading or unreliable? How does the wording of survey questions affect responses? Do election polls unduly influence results? This new book, written by two experts on survey research, answers the questions we all have about polls and surveys- as well as the many questions that should be addressed but are seldom even raised. "The accelerated and widespread emergence of polls and surveys in our political and social processes has not been matched by critical analysis and review by independent experts. Two eminent scholars, Norman Bradburn and Seymour Sudman, in Polls and Surveys, have taken a giant step to fill the gap." -Mervin Field, director, the California Poll "This fine book answers all the questions people may have about public opinion polling-and then some-and does so in a highly readable fashion. It is no wonder that Bradburn and Sudman are admired by so many in their field." -Barry Sussman, former pollster for The Washington Post and author of What Americans Really Think "Bradburn and Sudman have written a rousing introduction to public opinion polling. Anyone who wants to understand the issues without getting bogged down in technical esoterica should start with this book." -Philip Meyer, professor of journalism, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill "Any newcomer to the study of public opinion will gain a rare insight into the field." -Warren Mitofsky, director, Elections and Surveys, CBS News