Author: Robert P. Hirsch
Publisher: Blackwell Publishers
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0865421382
Statistical First Aid : Interpretation of Medical Research Data
Hirsch and Riegelman have recognized the need for a text to explain, to a wide audience, statistical concepts rather than mathematics or terminology. Medical books Statistical First Aid . They therefore expand on traditional mathematical methods by using graohics illustrating mathematical ideas, working through scores of examples from medical cases and literature, and employing non-technical terminology. Thus, they aim to provide the reader with an understanding of the terminology and mathematics without the rote learning that traditional methods require. The book presents the basic principles of statistics common to all methods of analysis and covers the logical processes used by statisticians to select statistical procedures for a particular set of data. Included is free software (STAT-PLUS) from the authors, and a free teacher's guide contains problems and answers, worked examples, flow charts and statistical tables Medical books Statistical First Aid : Interpretation of Medical Research Data. by RP Hirsch - John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1992) - Paperback - ISBN 0865421382 9780865421387

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by RP Hirsch - John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1992) - Paperback - ISBN 0865421382 9780865421387
Medical Book Statistical First Aid
They therefore expand on traditional mathematical methods by using graohics illustrating mathematical ideas, working through scores of examples from medical cases and literature, and employing non-technical terminology. Thus, they aim to provide the reader with an understanding of the terminology and mathematics without the rote learning that traditional methods require. The book presents the basic principles of statistics common to all methods of analysis and covers the logical processes used by statisticians to select statistical procedures for a particular set of data. Included is free software (STAT-PLUS) from the authors, and a free teacher's guide contains problems and answers, worked examples, flow charts and statistical tables.