Author: Donald C Rizzo
Edition: 1
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0766804984
Delmar's Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology
This new full-color text designed for a one-semester course is organized according to body functions, and focuses on the body working together to promote homeostasis. Medical books Delmar's Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology. Chapters are self-contained so instructors can teach in any order preferred. For students pursuing careers in the health professions, chapters contain concise synopses of broad anatomical and physiological topics. Essential laboratory exercises included at the end of chapters provide hands-on lab experience. Key terms with phonetic pronunciations help build vocabulary Medical books Delmar's Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology. This new, full-color book is organized according to body functions, and focuses on how these separate body systems work together to promote homeostasis.-- Health Alert and Common Disease, Disorder or Condition boxes enable learner to relate concepts presented in a practical way-- End of chapter review exercises help assess concepts learned; critical thinking questions encourage research and discussion-- Concept Maps for selected chapters outline main points-- Body Systems Working Together to Maintain Homeostasis helps the learner to see the integration of separate systems into one body-- Chapter Summary Outlines provide the learner with a valuable study tool-- Essential laboratory exercises included at the end of chapters-- Key terms with phonetic pronunciations helps build vocabulary Author: Rizzo, Donald C. ISBN-10: 0766804984
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This new, full-color book is organized according to body functions, and focuses on how these separate body systems work together to promote homeostasis.-- Health Alert and Common Disease, Disorder or Condition boxes enable learner to relate concepts presented in a practical way-- End of chapter review exercises help assess concepts learned; critical thinking questions encourage research and discussion-- Concept Maps for selected chapters outline main points-- Body Systems Working Together to Maintain Homeostasis helps the learner to see the integration of separate systems into one body-- Chapt
Delmar's Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology, ISBN-13: 9780766804982, ISBN-10: 0766804984
Delmar Cengage Learning. PAPERBACK. 0766804984 Like new. Slightly used. This books Ships now if ordered before 2pm CST. All pages are guaranteed to be intact. Availability of CD or DVD or other resource materials that may come with this book is not guaranteed. May or may not contain CD/DVD/Access codes or other resource materials unless specifically specified by us regardless of what some title package description may represent. Express delivery available strictly on demand. . Fine.
New Paperback.
Medical Book Delmar's Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology
Chapters are self-contained so instructors can teach in any order preferred. For students pursuing careers in the health professions, chapters contain concise synopses of broad anatomical and physiological topics. Essential laboratory exercises included at the end of chapters provide hands-on lab experience. Key terms with phonetic pronunciations help build vocabulary. Free CD-ROM with each text provides additional practice through several types of activities and games for learning anatomy and physiology. Instant feedback helps students learn more quickly by explaining why an answer is correct or incorrect. · Chapter outlines at the beginning of each chapter allow learners to preview major concepts to be presented · Health Alert and Common Disease, Disorder or Condition Boxes help students relate concepts presented in a practical way. · End of chapter review exercises help assess concepts learned; critical thinking questions encourage research and discussion. · Concept Maps for selected chapters illustrate the connections between anatomy and physiology of the organs of each body system. · Body Systems Working Together to Maintain Homeostasis help learner see integration of separate systems into one body. · Chapter Summary Outlines provide the learner with a valuable study tool. Supplements Computerized Testbank 0-7668-0526-3 Image Library 0-7668-0596-4 Instructor's Manual 0-7668-0499-2 Study Guide 0-7668-0527-1 Transparency Acetate 0-7668-0525-5