Author: Marilynn E. Doenges
Publisher: F a Davis Co
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 080360226X
Doenges and Moorhouse's Electronic Care Plan Maker
Doenges and Moorhouse's Electronic Care Plan Maker allows the student to create fully customized, documented care plans, which can be printed, saved, and modified as needed. Medical books Doenges and Moorhouse's Electronic Care Plan Maker. This exciting program offers:
-- An interactive tutorial on the nursing process and planning and documenting patient care
-- A computerized assessment tool that can be tailored to the individual patient
-- All the latest NANDA diagnoses, organized by diagnostic division, with associated risk factors, desired patient outcomes, and actions/interventions by nursing priority
-- A comprehensive list of care plans from all of F Medical books .

Medical Book Doenges and Moorhouse's Electronic Care Plan Maker
This exciting program offers:
-- An interactive tutorial on the nursing process and planning and documenting patient care
-- A computerized assessment tool that can be tailored to the individual patient
-- All the latest NANDA diagnoses, organized by diagnostic division, with associated risk factors, desired patient outcomes, and actions/interventions by nursing priority
-- A comprehensive list of care plans from all of F. A. Davis's best-selling care plan books: Nursing Care Plans, Psychiatric Care Plans, Maternal/Newborn Plans of Care, and Nurse's Pocket Guide; this means complete access and the ability to search, view, copy-and-paste, and edit hundreds of care plans for 114 disorders -- 94 med/surg, 10 psychiatric, and 10 maternal/newborn disorders/conditions
-- A comprehensive list of current references for the documentation of interventions and rationales
-- Nine sample care maps that illustrate the use of clinical pathways
-- Bonus! Includes Davis's Drug Guide disk that provides 530 generic drugs to further customize care plans and to create customized med cards