Author: Steven Lehrer MD
Edition: 3
Publisher: Saunders
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1416068384
Understanding Lung Sounds with Audio CD, 3e
A practical and easy-to-use book and audio CD package, Understanding Lung Sounds, Third Edition, guides you through the sounds and skills of lung auscultation. Medical books Understanding Lung Sounds with Audio CD, 3e. The 60-minute audio CD presents actual lung sounds-teaching you, step-by-step, how to interpret, differentiate, and identify both normal and abnormal lung sounds Medical books Understanding Lung Sounds With Audio Cd. New Paperback.

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New Paperback.
Elsevier - Health Sciences Division | 2008 | 160 pages | ISBN-13: 9781416068389 | ISBN-10: 1416068384 | You save 15%
Author: Lehrer, Steven ISBN-10: 1416068383
author steven lehrer format trade paper isbn 10 1416068384 isbn 13 9781416068389 language english publication year 20080000 audience scholarly professional author steven lehrer author for title steven lehrer book copyright date 2002 book length display 9 in dewey edition 22 deweydecimal 616.2407544 ean 9781416068389 edition 3 format computed trade paper isbn 1416068384 illustrated yes lc classification number rc 734 a 94 l 43 2002 language english length 9 in numberofpages 160 pages numberofpage
Medical Book Understanding Lung Sounds with Audio CD, 3e
The 60-minute audio CD presents actual lung sounds-teaching you, step-by-step, how to interpret, differentiate, and identify both normal and abnormal lung sounds. Succinct and thorough, the book expands on the content in the CD with visual reinforcement to help you better understand what you hear.