Edition: 1
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 3527327509
Applied Statistics for Network Biology (Quantitative and Network Biology (VCH))
The book introduces to the reader a number of cutting edge statistical methods which can e used for the analysis of genomic, proteomic and metabolomic data sets. Medical books Applied Statistics for Network Biology (Quantitative and Network Biology . Medical books Applied Statistics for Network Biology: Methods in S..., 9783527327508. Applied Statistics for Network Biology: Methods in Systems Biology (Quantitative and Network Biology (VCH)), ISBN-13: 9783527327508, ISBN-10: 3527327509

Download link for Applied Statistics For Network Biology: Methods In Systems Biology Dehmer, Matth
Applied Statistics for Network Biology: Methods in Systems Biology (Quantitative and Network Biology (VCH)), ISBN-13: 9783527327508, ISBN-10: 3527327509
This book lays out a vision for a coherent framework for understanding complex systems From the Foreword by J Doyne Farmer Santa Fe Institute In developing the genuine idea of Brownian agents Frank Schweitzer combines concepts from informatics such as multiagent systems with approaches from statistical many particle physics to develop an efficient method for computer simulations of complex systems that is useful for analytical investigation and quantitative prediction BROWNIAN AGENTS AND ACTIVE PARTICLES demonstrates that Brownian agent models can be successfully applied in many different cont
"This book lays out a vision for a coherent framework for understanding complex systems'' (from the foreword by J. Doyne Farmer). By developing the genuine idea of Brownian agents, the author combines concepts from informatics, such as multiagent systems, with approaches of statistical many-particle physics. This way, an efficient method for computer simulations of complex systems is developed which is also accessible to analytical investigations and quantitative predictions. The book demonstrates that Brownian agent models can be successfully applied in many different contexts, ranging from p
""This book lays out a vision for a coherent framework for understanding complex systems'' (from the foreword by J. Doyne Farmer). By developing the genuine idea of Brownian agents, the author combines concepts from informatics, such as multiagent systems, with approaches of statistical many-particle physics. This way, an efficient method for computer simulations of complex systems is developed which is also accessible to analytical investigations and quantitative predictions. The book demonstrates that Brownian agent models can be successfully applied in many different contexts, ranging from
Medical Book Applied Statistics for Network Biology (Quantitative and Network Biology
In particular in the field of systems biology, researchers are trying to analyze as many data as possible in a given biological system (such as a cell or an organ). The appropriate statistical evaluation of these large scale data is critical for the correct interpretation and different experimental approaches require different approaches for the statistical analysis of these data. This book is written by biostatisticians and mathematicians but aimed as a valuable guide for the experimental researcher as well computational biologists who often lack an appropriate background in statistical analysis.