Sunday, January 31, 2010

Comprehensive Disability Management, 1e pdf

Comprehensive Disability Management, 1e

Author: Henry Harder
Edition: 1
Publisher: Churchill Livingstone
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0443101132

Comprehensive Disability Management, 1e

Comprehensive Disability Management explores current knowledge of disability management and provides insight into new concepts. Medical books Comprehensive Disability Management, 1e. This book documents proven techniques for reducing the financial and human costs of disability. It introduces the first theoretical model in this developing profession and provides practical examples of how to implement and manage an effective disability management program.
  • Formulates the business case for disability management in an organization, helping the reader understand how disability management fits into the overall functioning of a corporation.
  • Presents a theoretical model that recognizes the influence of multiple issues on a disability outcome Medical books .

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    Medical Book Comprehensive Disability Management, 1e

    This book documents proven techniques for reducing the financial and human costs of disability. It introduces the first theoretical model in this developing profession and provides practical examples of how to implement and manage an effective disability management program.
    • Formulates the business case for disability management in an organization, helping the reader understand how disability management fits into the overall functioning of a corporation.
    • Presents a theoretical model that recognizes the influence of multiple issues on a disability outcome.
    • Reviews proven disability management techniques for ensuring evidence-based best practice treatments.


Gray Anatomia para Estudiantes

Gray Anatomia para Estudiantes

Author: Richard Drake PhD FAAA
Publisher: Elsevier Espana
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 8481748323

Gray Anatomia para Estudiantes: con Student Consult, 1e (Spanish Edition)

Nueva obra de anatomia de la familia Gray, la obra mas prestigiosa en anatomia, especificamente disenada para satisfacer las necesidades actuales de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Anatomia. Medical books Gray Anatomia para Estudiantes. Se trata de un recurso definitivo para el estudio de la asignatura de Anatomia, a todo color, con mas de 1000 excelentes ilustraciones anatomicas especificamente disenadas para esta obra y mas de 300 ilustraciones clinicas, radiografias, TC, ecografias, RM, etc., que son una herramienta muy util para el conocimiento de la anatomia, pues ayudan al estudiante a visualizar la anatomia in vivo. Se hace eco de todos los avances que se han producido en la manera en que los estudiantes aprenden mayoritariamente anatomia en las facultades de todo el mundo y en los programas docentes de medicina, con mayor integracion y orientacion hacia la clinica.
  • Los autores, de una dilatada experiencia docente y clinica, se han decantado despues de sopesar los distintos posibles abordajes, por un enfoque regional que recogiera en cada capitulo cuatro secciones distintas: aspectos conceptuales basicos, que revisan cada region corporal y resumen las funciones de sus componentes, sus relaciones con otros organos del cuerpo y otras caracteristicas importantes; anatomia regional, que detalla las estructuras clave en las que esta fundamentada la anatomia e integra la informacion clinica relevante para potenciar los conocimientos del estudiante; anatomia de superficie, que correlaciona las caracteristicas externas visibles con la anatomia interna, y casos clinicos, que demuestran las aplicaciones del conocimiento anatomico en situaciones clinicas reales que permiten al estudiante comprobar sus propios conocimientos Medical books Gray Anatomia para Estudiantes. Nueva obra de anatomia de la familia Gray, la obra mas prestigiosa en anatomia, especificamente disenada para satisfacer las necesidades actuales de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Anatomia. Se trata de un recurso definitivo para el estudio de la asignatura de Anatomia, a todo color, con mas de 1000 excelentes ilustraciones anatomicas especificamente disenadas para esta obra y mas de 300 ilustraciones clinicas, radiografias, TC, ecografias, RM, etc., que son una herramienta muy util para el conocimiento de la anatomia, pues ayudan al estudiante a visualizar la anatomia in vivo. Se hace eco de todos los avances que se han producido en la manera en que los estudiantes aprenden mayoritariamente anatomia en las facultades de todo el mundo y en los programas docentes de medicina, con mayor integracion y orientacion hacia la clinica.

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    Download link for Gray Anatomia Para Estudiantes , 9788481748321

    Nueva obra de anatomia de la familia Gray, la obra mas prestigiosa en anatomia, especificamente disenada para satisfacer las necesidades actuales de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Anatomia. Se trata de un recurso definitivo para el estudio de la asignatura de Anatomia, a todo color, con mas de 1000 excelentes ilustraciones anatomicas especificamente disenadas para esta obra y mas de 300 ilustraciones clinicas, radiografias, TC, ecografias, RM, etc., que son una herramienta muy util para el conocimiento de la anatomia, pues ayudan al estudiante a visualizar la anatomia in vivo. Se hace eco d

    Nueva obra de anatomia de la familia Gray, la obra mas prestigiosa en anatomia, especificamente disenada para satisfacer las necesidades actuales de aprendizaje de los estudiantes de Anatomia. Se trata de un recurso definitivo para el estudio de la asignatura de Anatomia, a todo color, con mas de 1000 excelentes ilustraciones anatomicas especificamente disenadas para esta obra y mas de 300 ilustraciones clinicas, radiografias, TC, ecografias, RM, etc., que son una herramienta muy util para el conocimiento de la anatomia, pues ayudan al estudiante a visualizar la anatomia in vivo. Se hace eco d

    Categories: Medicine - Anatomy/Embryology * General. Contributors: Richard L. Drake - Author. Format: NOOK Book

    ISBN: 8481748323

    Medical Book Gray Anatomia para Estudiantes

    Se trata de un recurso definitivo para el estudio de la asignatura de Anatomia, a todo color, con mas de 1000 excelentes ilustraciones anatomicas especificamente disenadas para esta obra y mas de 300 ilustraciones clinicas, radiografias, TC, ecografias, RM, etc., que son una herramienta muy util para el conocimiento de la anatomia, pues ayudan al estudiante a visualizar la anatomia in vivo. Se hace eco de todos los avances que se han producido en la manera en que los estudiantes aprenden mayoritariamente anatomia en las facultades de todo el mundo y en los programas docentes de medicina, con mayor integracion y orientacion hacia la clinica.
    • Los autores, de una dilatada experiencia docente y clinica, se han decantado despues de sopesar los distintos posibles abordajes, por un enfoque regional que recogiera en cada capitulo cuatro secciones distintas: aspectos conceptuales basicos, que revisan cada region corporal y resumen las funciones de sus componentes, sus relaciones con otros organos del cuerpo y otras caracteristicas importantes; anatomia regional, que detalla las estructuras clave en las que esta fundamentada la anatomia e integra la informacion clinica relevante para potenciar los conocimientos del estudiante; anatomia de superficie, que correlaciona las caracteristicas externas visibles con la anatomia interna, y casos clinicos, que demuestran las aplicaciones del conocimiento anatomico en situaciones clinicas reales que permiten al estudiante comprobar sus propios conocimientos.
    • Gray Anatomia para estudiantes recorre todo el cuerpo humano con un sentido logico, abordando los distintos aspectos complejos del organismo a medida que el lector va dominando los basicos. Cada capitulo puede ser utilizado como un modulo de aprendizaje independiente. La secuencia elegida ha sido region posterior del tronco, torax, abdomen, pelvis y perine, miembro inferior, miembro superior, cabeza y cuello. El material clinico se encuentra en tres niveles, los casos clinicos ya mencionados, que aparecen al final de capitulo; las correlaciones clinicas, plenamente integradas en el texto y que correlacionan los aspectos anatomicos expuestos de manera directa con la aplicacion directa de esta informacion, pero en cursiva, de modo que el estudiante puede obviarlas en su lectura si asi lo desea, y los resumenes clinicos, que ofrecen informacion clinica util y relevante que demuestra la manera en que el conocimiento anatomico facilita la resolucion de problemas clinicos.

    Otra particularidad de esta excelente obra es que todo el material ha sido revisado por un comite de mas de 100 expertos mundiales que han aportado sus comentarios y sugerencias a los distintos temas, garantizando su absoluta correccion, asi como un enfoque global e internacional. En el caso de la edicion espanola, han colaborado en esta revision reputados profesores de Espana, Mexico y Argentina.


Leading and Managing in Nursing, 5e pdf

Leading and Managing in Nursing, 5e

Author: Patricia S. Yoder-Wise RN EdD NEA-BC ANEF FAAN
Edition: 5
Publisher: Mosby
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0323069770

Leading and Managing in Nursing, 5e

Leading and Managing in Nursing, 5th Edition, by Patricia Yoder-Wise, successfully blends evidence-based guidelines with practical application. Medical books Leading and Managing in Nursing, 5e. The new edition is designed to prepare you for the nursing leadership issues of today and tomorrow, providing just the right amount of information to equip you with the tools you need to succeed on the NCLEX and in practice. This thoroughly updated edition is organized around the issues that are central to the success of professional nurses in today's constantly changing healthcare environment, including patient safety, workplace violence, consumer relationships, cultural diversity, resource management, and many more.

  • Merges theory, research, and practical application for an innovative approach to nursing leadership and management.
  • Offers a practical, evidence-based approach to today's key issues, including patient safety, workplace violence, team collaboration, delegation, managing quality and risk, staff education, supervision, and managing costs and budgets Medical books Leading and Managing in Nursing, 5e [Paperback]. Leading and Managing in Nursing, 5th Edition, by Patricia Yoder-Wise, successfully blends evidence-based guidelines with practical application. The new edition is designed to prepare you for the nursing leadership issues of today and tomorrow, providing just the right amount of information to equip you with the tools you need to succeed on the NCLEX and in practice. This thoroughly updated edition is organized around the issues that are central to the success of professional nurses in today's constantly changing healthcare environment, including patient safety, workplace violence, consumer relationships, cultural diversity, resource management, and many more.
    Merges theory, research, and practical application for an innovative approach to nursing leadership and management.
    Offers a practical, evidence-based approach to today's key issues, including patient safety, workplace violence, team collaboration, delegation, managing quality and risk, staff education, supervision, and managing costs and budgets.
    Features easy-to-find boxes, a full-color design, and new photos that highlight key information for quick reference and effective study.
    Research and Literature Perspective boxes summarize timely articles of interest, helping you apply current research to evidence-based practice.
    Includes critical thinking questions in every chapter, challenging you to think critically about chapter concepts and apply them to real-life situations.
    Provides Chapter Checklists for a quick review and study guide to the key ideas in each chapter, theory boxes with pertinent theoretical concepts, a glossary of key terms and definitions, and bulleted lists for applying key content to practice.
    Features new chapters on Patient Safety and Workplace Violence, illustrating the nurse manager's role in ensuring patient and worker safety.
    Includes Need to Know Now, bulleted lists of critical points that help you focus on essential research-based information in your transition to the workforce.
    Gives current research examples in The Evidence boxes at the end o

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    Download link for Leading And Managing In Nursing, 5e By Yoder-wise Rn Edd Nea-bc Anef Faan, P

    Leading and Managing in Nursing, 5th Edition, by Patricia Yoder-Wise, successfully blends evidence-based guidelines with practical application. The new edition is designed to prepare you for the nursing leadership issues of today and tomorrow, providing just the right amount of information to equip you with the tools you need to succeed on the NCLEX and in practice. This thoroughly updated edition is organized around the issues that are central to the success of professional nurses in today's constantly changing healthcare environment, including patient safety, workplace violence, consumer rel

    Leading and Managing in Nursing, 5th Edition, by Patricia Yoder-Wise, successfully blends evidence-based guidelines with practical application. The new edition is designed to prepare you for the nursing leadership issues of today and tomorrow, providing just the right amount of information to equip you with the tools you need to succeed on the NCLEX and in practice. This thoroughly updated edition is organized around the issues that are central to the success of professional nurses in today's constantly changing healthcare environment, including patient safety, workplace violence, consumer rel

    New Paperback.

    Medical Book Leading and Managing in Nursing, 5e

    The new edition is designed to prepare you for the nursing leadership issues of today and tomorrow, providing just the right amount of information to equip you with the tools you need to succeed on the NCLEX and in practice. This thoroughly updated edition is organized around the issues that are central to the success of professional nurses in today's constantly changing healthcare environment, including patient safety, workplace violence, consumer relationships, cultural diversity, resource management, and many more.

    • Merges theory, research, and practical application for an innovative approach to nursing leadership and management.
    • Offers a practical, evidence-based approach to today's key issues, including patient safety, workplace violence, team collaboration, delegation, managing quality and risk, staff education, supervision, and managing costs and budgets.
    • Features easy-to-find boxes, a full-color design, and new photos that highlight key information for quick reference and effective study.
    • Research and Literature Perspective boxes summarize timely articles of interest, helping you apply current research to evidence-based practice.
    • Includes critical thinking questions in every chapter, challenging you to think critically about chapter concepts and apply them to real-life situations.
    • Provides Chapter Checklists for a quick review and study guide to the key ideas in each chapter, theory boxes with pertinent theoretical concepts, a glossary of key terms and definitions, and bulleted lists for applying key content to practice.
    • Features new chapters on Patient Safety and Workplace Violence, illustrating the nurse manager's role in ensuring patient and worker safety.
    • Includes Need to Know Now, bulleted lists of critical points that help you focus on essential research-based information in your transition to the workforce.
    • Gives current research examples in The Evidence boxes at the end of each chapter, illustrating how to apply research to practice.
    • Provides casrevised Challenge and Solutions case scenarios of real-life leadership and management issues, giving you contemporary scenarios covering current issues in nursing leadership and management.


Pocket Companion for Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, Third Edition pdf

Pocket Companion for Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, Third Edition

Author: Mark H. Swartz MD FACP
Edition: 3
Publisher: Saunders
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 0721675174

Pocket Companion for Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, Third Edition

Updated and revised, this companion to the TEXTBOOK OF PHYSICAL DIAGNOSIS: HISTORY AND EXAMINATION is a concise and user-friendly reference that effectively covers a vast amount of information from the parent text. Medical books Pocket Companion for Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, Third Edition. Medical books Pocket Companion for Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, Third Edition.

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Medical Book Pocket Companion for Textbook of Physical Diagnosis, Third Edition

Organized by patient type -- normal, pediatric, pregnant, and geriatric -- for accessibility and comprehension of essential information. The guidelines provided demonstrate how to effectively examine and assess a patient's medical condition. Also contains useful English-to-Spanish translations of common medical phrases and an appendix of common abbreviations and symbols.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Nursing2004 Herbal Medicine Handbook

Nursing2004 Herbal Medicine Handbook

Author: Springhouse
Edition: Second
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1582552312

Nursing2004 Herbal Medicine Handbook (Nursing Herbal Medicine Handbook)

The second edition of the Nursing Herbal Medicine Handbook is designed as a reference for nurses who want to be educated on the herbal remedies their patients are using. Medical books Nursing2004 Herbal Medicine Handbook . Alphabetically organized monographs on over 300 herbs and supplements make information quick and easy to find. Each herb is listed by its popular name, and each monograph contains alternate names and common trade names. Information on uses, dosage and administration, adverse effects, and drug interactions is included. Life-threatening adverse effects are highlighted in bold italic type Medical books Nursing 2004 Herbal Medicine Handbook. Annual pocket sized text provides comprehensive information on almost every herb and nutraceutical used arranged alphabetically by popular name for easy access Each listing includes the uses dosages and administration adverse reactions effects on lab test results nursing considerations and patient teaching Also lists FDA s list of toxic herbs Softcover

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Annual pocket sized text provides comprehensive information on almost every herb and nutraceutical used arranged alphabetically by popular name for easy access Each listing includes the uses dosages and administration adverse reactions effects on lab test results nursing considerations and patient teaching Also lists FDA s list of toxic herbs Softcover

This book is written by Springhouse Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins In 2003 and is available in Paperback Usually Ships in 3 Days.

Hardcover book, 640 pages. Published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Up to the minute information on over 1 000 generic and 3 500 brand name drugs is just a click away with Nursing 2004 Drug Handbook for PDA The 2004 edition includes 30 entries on newly approved drugs plus newly approved and off label indications Drugs are grouped by therapeutic class and each drug entry includes generic name trade names pregnancy risk category controlled substance schedule where applicable available forms indications dosages IV administration where applicable action adverse reactions interactions effects on lab test results contraindications nursing considerations and patient

Medical Book Nursing2004 Herbal Medicine Handbook

Alphabetically organized monographs on over 300 herbs and supplements make information quick and easy to find. Each herb is listed by its popular name, and each monograph contains alternate names and common trade names. Information on uses, dosage and administration, adverse effects, and drug interactions is included. Life-threatening adverse effects are highlighted in bold italic type. New to this edition is an A-to-Z listing of non-herbal alternative remedies. Appendices include topics on supplemental vitamins and minerals, herb-drug interactions, monitoring patients using herbs, and a glossary. Continuing education tests can be found on


Evidence-Based Procedural Dermatology

Evidence-Based Procedural Dermatology

Edition: 2012
Publisher: Springer
Binding: Hardcover
ISBN: 0387094237

Evidence-Based Procedural Dermatology (Fontes iuris gentium)

In Evidence-Based Procedural Dermatology, Dr. Medical books Evidence-Based Procedural Dermatology . Alam has compiled the subspecialty’s latest research findings in a reference for researchers and dermatologists. It covers the spectrum of procedural dermatology, including skin cancer surgery, laser techniques, fillers and neurotoxins, minimally invasive cosmetic surgery, and emerging procedures. Leading experts present and evaluate evidence in each subfield, providing a solid manual for the present, and a guide for research in the future. Features: ·         A numerical system to appraise research findings used throughout the book ·         Question and answer section to reinforce knowledge at the end of  most chapters ·         Serves as a tutorial for those interested in performing clinical research Medical books Evidence-Based Procedural Dermatology. In Evidence-Based Procedural Dermatology, Dr. Alam has compiled the subspecialty's latest research findings in a reference for researchers and dermatologists. It covers the spectrum of procedural dermatology, including skin cancer surgery, laser techniques, fillers and neurotoxins, minimally invasive cosmetic surgery, and emerging procedures. Leading experts present and evaluate evidence in each subfield, providing a solid manual for the present, and a guide for research in the future.
· A numerical system to appraise research findings used throughout the book
· Question and answer section to reinforce knowledge at the end of most chapters
· Serves as a tutorial for those interested in performing clinical research.
· Holds practical value for dermatologists who are treating or counseling patients.

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In Evidence-Based Procedural Dermatology, Dr. Alam has compiled the subspecialty's latest research findings in a reference for researchers and dermatologists. It covers the spectrum of procedural dermatology, including skin cancer surgery, laser techniques, fillers and neurotoxins, minimally invasive cosmetic surgery, and emerging procedures. Leading experts present and evaluate evidence in each subfield, providing a solid manual for the present, and a guide for research in the future.
· A numerical system to appraise research findings used throughout the book
· Question and answer

Evidence-Based Procedural Dermatology (2012 Edition) by Murad, Alam/ Alam, Murad [Hardcover]

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This title functions as a ready reference for best practices in procedural dermatology, a recently ACGME-approved subspecialty of dermatology. The first part of the book instructs the reader how to perform and how to critically appraise clinical research. The second, and main, part of the book is comprised of topical chapters that will review the current best evidence in skin cancer surgery, laser surgery of the skin, cosmetic dermatology, and many other procedures performed by the dermatologist. These chapters are written by leading experts in each of these subfields. Evidence-Based Procedura

Medical Book Evidence-Based Procedural Dermatology

Alam has compiled the subspecialty’s latest research findings in a reference for researchers and dermatologists. It covers the spectrum of procedural dermatology, including skin cancer surgery, laser techniques, fillers and neurotoxins, minimally invasive cosmetic surgery, and emerging procedures. Leading experts present and evaluate evidence in each subfield, providing a solid manual for the present, and a guide for research in the future. Features: ·         A numerical system to appraise research findings used throughout the book ·         Question and answer section to reinforce knowledge at the end of  most chapters ·         Serves as a tutorial for those interested in performing clinical research. ·         Holds practical value for dermatologists who are treating or counseling patients.


Delmar's Drug Reference for Health Care Professionals

Delmar's Drug Reference for Health Care Professionals

Author: Sylvia Nobles
Edition: 1
Publisher: Delmar Cengage Learning
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 076682523X

Delmar's Drug Reference for Health Care Professionals

Health care providers in outpatient settings will appreciate the abundance of information to be found in Delmar's Drug Reference for Health Care Professionals. Medical books Delmar's Drug Reference for Health Care Professionals. Pertinent information about drug actions, dosages, side effects, methods of administration, monitoring during drug therapy, day-to-day care, and client teaching is presented in a clear straightforward manner Medical books Delmar's Drug Reference for Health Care Professionals. This invaluable reference for health care professionals working in an outpatient setting has been focused on the needs of the allied health professional medical assistants, transcriptionists, office telephone nurses, and other health care aides will find this a vital tool. Covering only those topics relevant for the health care professional, with definitions accompanied by a section of allied health considerations, this volume will be an essential addition to doctors' offices, HMOs and clinics.

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Download link for Delmar's Drug Reference For Health Care Professionals

This invaluable reference for health care professionals working in an outpatient setting has been focused on the needs of the allied health professional medical assistants, transcriptionists, office telephone nurses, and other health care aides will find this a vital tool. Covering only those topics relevant for the health care professional, with definitions accompanied by a section of allied health considerations, this volume will be an essential addition to doctors' offices, HMOs and clinics.

Health care providers in outpatient settings will appreciate the abundance of information to be found in Delmar's Drug Reference for Health Care Professionals. Pertinent information about drug actions, dosages, side effects, methods of administration, monitoring during drug therapy, day-to-day care, and client teaching is presented in a clear straightforward manner. Small and practical, Delmar's Drug Reference for Allied Health Professionals is an invaluable reference for health care providers in physicians' offices, clinics, emergency rooms, and HMOs.

Delmar Cengage Learning. Paperback. Good. Buy with confidence. Excellent Customer Service & Return policy. Ships Fast. Expedite Shipping Available.

This invaluable reference for health care professionals working in an outpatient setting has been focused on the needs of the allied health professional medical assistants, transcriptionists, office telephone nurses, and other health care aides will find this a vital tool. Covering only those topics relevant for the health care professional, with definitions accompanied by a section of allied health considerations, this volume will be an essential addition to doctors' offices, HMOs and clinics.

Medical Book Delmar's Drug Reference for Health Care Professionals

Pertinent information about drug actions, dosages, side effects, methods of administration, monitoring during drug therapy, day-to-day care, and client teaching is presented in a clear straightforward manner. Small and practical, Delmar's Drug Reference for Allied Health Professionals is an invaluable reference for health care providers in physicians' offices, clinics, emergency rooms, and HMOs.


Ready, Set, Go Lead!

Ready, Set, Go Lead!

Author: Nancy Dickenson-Hazard
Edition: 1
Publisher: Sigma Theta Tau International
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 193053874X

Ready, Set, Go Lead!: A Primer for Emerging Health Care Leaders

This transformative handbook will help aspiring and experienced health care leaders alike as they embark and continue on their leadership journeys. Medical books Ready, Set, Go Lead!. In Ready, Set, Go Lead!, Nancy Dickenson-Hazard combines her extensive international leadership experience with real-world examples to assist early- and mid-career health care leaders alike on their own leadership journeys Medical books Ready, Set, Go Lead By Nancy Dickenson-hazard. Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Ready, Set, Go Lead! by Nancy Dickenson-Hazard Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New Details ISBN 193053874X ISBN-13 9781930538740 Title Ready, Set, Go Lead! Author Nancy Dickenson-Hazard Format Paperback Pages 195 Publisher SIGMA Theta Tau International Honor Society o Dimensions 5.9 in. x 0.5 in. x 8.7 in. About Us Grand Eagle Retail is the ideal place for all your reading and entertainment needs! With fast shippi

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Store Search search Title, ISBN and Author Ready, Set, Go Lead! by Nancy Dickenson-Hazard Estimated delivery 3-12 business days Format Paperback Condition Brand New Details ISBN 193053874X ISBN-13 9781930538740 Title Ready, Set, Go Lead! Author Nancy Dickenson-Hazard Format Paperback Pages 195 Publisher SIGMA Theta Tau International Honor Society o Dimensions 5.9 in. x 0.5 in. x 8.7 in. About Us Grand Eagle Retail is the ideal place for all your reading and entertainment needs! With fast shippi

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Powered by Frooition Pro Click here to view full size. Full Size Image Click to close full size. Ready, Set, Go Lead! - Book NEW Author(s): Nancy Dickenson-hazard Format: Paperback # Pages: 195 ISBN-13: 9781930538740 Published: 09/22/2008 Language: English Weight: 0.76 pounds Brand new book. About Us Payment Shipping Customer Service FAQs Welcome to MovieMars All items are Brand New. We offer unbeatable prices, quick shipping times and a wide selection second to none. Purchases come with a 30-d

Ready, Set, Go Lead!, ISBN-13: 9781930538740, ISBN-10: 193053874X

Medical Book Ready, Set, Go Lead!

In Ready, Set, Go Lead!, Nancy Dickenson-Hazard combines her extensive international leadership experience with real-world examples to assist early- and mid-career health care leaders alike on their own leadership journeys. Fun and thoughtful exercises at the end of each chapter provide further opportunities for personal leadership growth that even experienced leaders should find beneficial.
