Author: HCPro
Edition: 1 Spi
Publisher: HCPro, Inc.
Binding: Spiral-bound
ISBN: 1601467214
Infection Control for Nursing Homes: A Guide to Government Standards
Updated for 2010!
Make sure your infection control program keeps residents safe and meets government regulations with Infection Control for Nursing Homes. Medical books Infection Control for Nursing Homes. Medical books Infection Control For Nursing Homes: A Guide To Government Standards, Revised 11/09. New Paperback.

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New Paperback.
Contributors: HCPro - Author. Format: Other Format
Categories: Infection control, Nursing homes, Nursing home patients->Diseases. Contributors: Thomas T. Yoshikawa - Editor. Format: Hardcover
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Medical Book Infection Control for Nursing Homes
Infection Control for Nursing Homes: A Guide to Government Standards is a book that helps directors of nursing, staff educators, and long-term care administrators update their current infection control plans and training to meet government requirements and ensure resident safety.
From handwashing guidelines to bloodborne pathogens regulations
You'll get guidance, policies, and staff training tools your facility needs to prevent the spread of infection and avoid one of the most common survey deficiencies in the industry.
This comprehensive manual includes the following:
Take a look at the table of contents:
Chapter 1: F-Tag #441, Infection Control
Chapter 2: Guidelines for Environmental Infection Control in Healthcare Settings
Chapter 3: Guideline for Infection Control in Healthcare Personnel, 1998
Chapter 4: Guideline for Hand Hygiene in Healthcare Settings
Chapter 5: Guidelines for Preventing Healthcare Associated Pneumonia, 2003
Chapter 6: Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) Infection Control Guidelines for Long-Term Care Facilities
Chapter 7: Clostridium difficile: Information for Healthcare Providers
Chapter 8: Exposure to Blood: What Healthcare Personnel Need to Know
Chapter 9: Occupational Exposures to Bloodborne Pathogens; Needlesticks and other Sharps Injuries; Final Rule – Federal Register
Chapter 10: CDC Definitions of Nosocomial Infections
Appendix A: Inservices
Appendix B: Policy
Appendix C: Forms and handouts